Heading home with Eiki the macaw from the Home Show in Indy. Eiki was a big hit! Everybody loved her - more than my swords!
“Your job won't take care of you when you are sick or alone. Family will. Keep your family your top priority.”
Sigbing autographs & doing sword swallowing at Indianapolis Home Show booth #265. Come see us!
Signing autographs and swallowing swords at Indianapolis Home Show at Fairgrounds today and tomorrow. Stop by our booth & say Hi!
10º outside, power is out, kids are home from school & more snow flurries predicted today. No AC or Internet so I'm burning a chair for heat
Changing a flat tire on a dismal cold gray day in freezing rain - It can only get better than this!
On my way to WLBC FM on Muncie to do a radio commercial and interviews
Made your Thromes for 2011? Think BIG, Dream BIGGER! Take risks, Bite off more than you can chew, & STRETCH in 2011! www.thromes.com

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