On train from Stockholm to Orebro Sweden. Show at castle last night went great! Fine-tuning entire show in Swedish for castle show tonight.
On train from Stockholm to Orebro Sweden. Show at castle last night went great! Fine-tuning entire show in Swedish for castle show tonight.
On train from Stockholm to Orebro Sweden. Show at castle last night went great! Fine-tuning entire show in Swedish for castle show tonight.
On train from Stockholm to Orebro Sweden. Show at castle last night went great! Fine-tuning entire show in Swedish for castle show tonight.
Landing in Paris
Just landing in Paris. Uneventful flight. Watched Kevin Costner in "Swing Voter" -Interesting, better than I expected. Time to switch planes
On Plane to Paris
On plane - Me: Where you going? Gal next to me: Berlin. Me: Business? Pleasure? Gal: Both. Porn. Convention. (Ok... end of conversation)
Made it to Atlanta 4th time this week this time w/ my German Fedex buddy & a little old French lady with no English who's teaching me French
Finally made it on another flight to Atlanta and Paris. Get in a few hours later, but will probably make my flight to Stockholm Thursday!
Joys of international travel
Flights are delayed to Atlanta, means I miss connecting flight to Paris & Basel & Stockholm the next day. Waiting in line for reticketing.
Another adventure begins!
Heading to the airport on my way to Europe for 2 wks. Got 2 hours sleep, but got everything packed (almost brought the kitchen sink!) Tired!
Leavin' on a jet plane
Doing last minute packing and chores before leaving on 2 week 5 country European tour to Paris, Basel, Stockholm, Örebro, Milano, and Genoa!
Hey it's good to be back home again
Back home again recuperating & unpacking from my trips. Decided to skip performing at Oktoberfest in Nashville to repack for Europe next wk
Twisted Sister
Just landed in Huntsville - sat behind Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister on this flight! Looking forward to getting home to my own bed!
Flight delay
Waiting to take off from Miami airport but flight is delayed due to President Bush flying in. Hope to make my connecting flight in Atlanta!
Heading home!
At Miami airport getting ready to head home. Can't wait to see my wife, dog and horses for a few hours before I head back out!
Cruise With A Cause
Looking forward to 4 days in paradise in the Bahamas! Getting excited about the cruise today, just wishing my wife were here to enjoy it!
Ft. Lauderdale
Enjoying feeling the sun on his face and the ocean breezes blowing through his hair while sitting on the waterfront in Ft. Lauderdale FL
Just landing in Atlanta 15 minutes late. Poor girl next to me has been sick entire flight. Feel bad for her.
Returned to security-they were xraying left bag as suspicious: laptop, iPod, 2 GPS, batteries, chargers, & foldup sword! Finally cleared me.
Logan Airport
Made Boston airport in time. In rush, left carry-on at security. Realized I was missing something on way to terminal! Ran back up escalator
To Boston airport
On train to Boston Logan airport to catch my flight to Miami. Overslept a bit - should just make flight.
MIT lecture
Just arrived at MIT, getting ready to lecture in a hall of several hundred academics for the Ig Nobel awards lecture.
Teaching my friend DK the fine points of fire-eating - He's learning so well that he'll debut tomorrow at an Ig Nobel event!
Teaching my friend DK the fine points of fire-eating - He's learning so well that he'll debut tomorrow at an Ig Nobel event!
Friday lunch
Getting hungry for lunch. Finally got e-mail fixed and e-mails answered. Going to venture out in Cambridge for lunch soon
E-mail down
Looks like my e-mail is down for some reason this morning... Strange. Wonder if Twitter is working? Anybody get this?
Ig Nobel Awards
Ig Nobel Awards ceremony went well last night. Handed out some Ig Nobel awards and did interviews with Wall St. Journal, Korean TV & others.
Ig Nobels
Just waiting in the wings to step out and kick off the Ig Nobel awards ceremony at Harvard.
Getting a bite to eat at a Himalayan restaurant & heading into the Ig Nobel ceremony at Harvard on a beautiful Fall day.
Chilly in Boston
Waking up to a chilly New England morning in Boston. Lots to do before finding my way to the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony at Harvard tonight.
Neal E Boyd won America's Got Talent!
My friend Neal E Boyd just won America's Got Talent!! A million dollars and a Vegas contract!
Whoooo-hoooo! Way to go, Neal!!
Hahvahd student pub
Grabbing a quick bite to eat at Harvard student cafeteria - Great atmosphere - cross between Ivy league hangout and European pub!
At Harvard
Made it to Boston, T to Harvard, shot some clips swallowing swords at Harvard Square, Hahvahd Yahd, & Sanders Theater. Relaxing B4 rehearsal
Flight #1
Made it to check-in in time & now at terminal. Hate these high baggage fees! But bag with swords is on it's way, so let the adventure begin!
Heading to airport
Just shot first segment of "Have Sword Will Travel". Now heading to the airport to embarl on a new adventure!
Off to Boston
Getting ready to catch my flight to Boston after only about 2 hours sleep - packed until 3:30am and got up at 5:30. Need... coffee...
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