On my way to Indpls airport for my flight to Wash DC Dulles & tonight's New Years Eve show in Chantilly VA! Join me if you're in the area!
Yes, we felt the earthquake at 7:55 this morning in Muncie, IN - between 3.8-4.2 on the Richter scale!
On my way to Pacers game in Indpls, just saw this sign; "Recession 101: Self worth beats Net worth"
What a beautiful Christmas service at Park Place Anderson., brought me to tears. Snowflakes falling; sure missing my wife on Christmas Eve
Heading to Charles Dickens Christmas caroling in St. Charles MO for some chestnuts roasting on the open fire! Wish knee didn't hurt so bad!

An even better view of St. Louis from 630 feet at the TOP of the St. Louis Gateway Arch

Incredible view from 630 feet at the TOP of the St. Louis Gateway Arch!
The Digital Story of the Nativity as seen today:‬
Just finished a delicious dinner at Beef & Boards Dinner Theater in Indpls! Delicious roast beef! Now the show is about to begin!
So thankful to be with family. What are YOU doing for Christmas this week?
All packed up and our way to Indianapolis for a Christmas pageant, then on to St. Louis.
Enjoying a delicious Coney Island hotdog dinner at Detroit Airport, and hoping my flight get out to Indianapolis tonight!
"Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprang up." -Oliver Wendell Holmes
Having a great time practicing Swedish & Icelandic with my friend Isak @ormafata in Muncie. Follow him!
Having a great time practicing Swedish & Icelandic with my friend Isak @ormafata in Muncie. Follow him!

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